Over the past 35 years, I’ve had some incredible experiences in my life. During that time period I’ve worked with and taught local, state, national, and world champions, as well as high performing athletes from all walks of life! The most extraordinary result of this interaction is what I have learned from these elite individuals, and how I used this valuable information to develop a program that anyone can use and apply instantly.
Give me the opportunity and I will share with you the 8 secrets that these WINNERS used to separate themselves from their competition, into a class above everyone else.
#1 First off, Winning is a State of Mind – I ask every athlete and coach this question. In competition, how much of the outcome is attributed to physical and how much is mental? The answer ranges from 50/50 to 80% mental and 20% physical. I then ask them, as I now ask you, what do you do to train your psychological side? 99% of the time they stare at me, searching for an answer.
I have the answer! If you haven’t tapped into the mental side; you are at best, at 50% of your potential.
#2 Second, I will teach you the ONE Critical Component to get yourself in the right frame of mind (emotional state) to do what you want and need to do- You will walk away knowing how to dramatically change your emotional state in an instant! You will go from BLAH to BAM instantaneously! World-class athletes and leading coaches know the secret and so will you.
#3 Third, you will unleash the Power of your mind/body connection with the use of positive anchors – Did you know that there are five different forms of anchors or triggers that set off certain responses of strength or fear in us, due to our past associations and emotional states? Did you also know that you are able to control these responses? Have you ever been in a state of total excellence in competition or performed at a level where you absolutely astonished yourself? You can duplicate the way you felt at that moment, confident, unstoppable, razor sharp!
#4 Fourth, I Will Teach You The Key To Mastering Performance Under Pressure – Everybody experiences some feelings of pressure when performing. It is the internal communication, your self-talk that will dictate the quality of your performance and in extension, the quality of your life. You will learn the methods of internal communication that create leaders, champions, and successful entrepreneurs. What you say and how you say it is the Fourth KEY!
#5 The Fifth Element is your “Critical Success Factors” – According to the experts at Harvard University, there are usually
4-5 critical success factors in everything you do. These are things that you absolutely must do to succeed.
I will teach you to identify these CSF’S and harness their power, turning you into a champion!
#6 Sixth, Improve Concentration and Focus To Crystal Clarity – Whatever we focus on will determine how we feel. Focus is not true reality, it’s one view , one perception of the way things really are. Whatever we focus on, therefor becomes our reality. I will show you the secret that athletes like Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan have used to magnify their focus and define their outcome.
#7 Seventh Is The Powerful Physiology of Achievement – We have all seen the look of success and the look of failure. However, did you know that your body language influences your belief in yourself and others, more than any other form of communication. Every emotion you’ve ever felt has specific physiology linked to it. Your physiology controls your emotion and ultimately your mind. When you change your mind, you change your body, change your body and you will change your state of mind! I will show you how!
#8 The Eighth Advantage- Performing Edge Visualization -Visualizing your success is a simple, yet powerful method of predicting your future. Meaningful achievements begin with a positive vision that we believe in, and commit to with passion. I will teach you how to step into that vision, applying all your knowledge, your power, and your persistence to turn that vision into reality. Discover your inner greatness , it’s waiting for you to unleash it!
Become the athlete you’ve dreamed of being- calm, prepared, mentally /physically razor sharp. It’s inside you right now and I’ll show you how to let it out!
The Winning Mind Set has demonstrated countless successes with hundreds of athletes all over the globe! Here are a few.